As a writer and sometime literary agency reader I'm well-placed to read the work of developing writers and give useful pointers, with particular focus on plot structure. If you have any questions or would like constructive feedback on your book, do get in touch. I love reading other people's work and giving the most helpful, encouraging feedback I possibly can.
I've worked with all kinds of writers, from major planners to free-form write-by-the-seat-of-their-pantsers. As well as being a planner when it comes to my own writing I also perform improv comedy, so I understand both approaches. I can help you develop your idea, plot it out, edit it for submission, give it a fine-tune or work with you on the ever-challenging synopsis and submission email.
“Miriam is a truly talented editor with a fantastic ability to see not just the structural work that needs doing or the small changes that can help but most importantly the true vision of what the author is trying to achieve. She has the enviable knack of explaining her thoughts with clarity and precision and manages to always make the author feel positive and confident. I feel extremely lucky to have been able to make use of her skills as an editor.”
“Miriam’s feedback was the turning point in the process allowing me to complete my manuscript to a level where I felt happy submitting to agents. She was positive and constructive in equal measure, which was reassuring and incredibly productive. I would highly recommend Miriam’s services. She made me feel at ease quickly and was very responsive to my queries. ”
“Miriam has one of the strongest grasps of the mechanics of a novel I have encountered. She has an amazing ability to spot where problems might be in structure, plot and pace, as well as the ability to explain it clearly and sensitively. Countless times she has provided me with the key to making major leaps forward in tackling structural edits. ”
“I was totally floored by Miriam’s incredible eye for detail and insight when she did an editorial report and close edit on my novel. Truly astonishing.”
“Miriam made an enormous difference to my writing, providing advice on plot and character development, as well as detailed feedback on my manuscript. She is a delight to work with. I’d recommend Miriam to anyone needing guidance that is both wise and supportive - invaluable for those starting out, as well as seasoned writers who are stuck.”